Many users often require their office building design to be compliant with the above standard. The lift traffic profiles for “up peak” and “lunchtime” are very specific as are the average waiting times required to be met. They can be summarised as follows:
- Up Peak (Morning am):
- 5-minute Handling Capacity: 12%
- Traffic Pattern: 85% up, 10% down, 5% inter floor
- AWT: 30s if ATTD <= 80s, otherwise 25s
- ATTD: 110s if AWT < 25s, otherwise 90s
- Two way (Lunchtime):
- 5-minute Handling Capacity: 13%
- Traffic Pattern: 45% up, 45% down, 10% inter floor
- AWT: <40s
Now by just setting the relevant “dropdown” to “Office BCO 2014” the AdSimulo Expert System will only give you solutions that meet these criteria. You do need to check that the Average Time to Destination does not exceed the specified values but this is only likely to be in significant high rise buildings.
Let AdSimulo Expert Design Application do the work for you!